MAIN Pages

Seizures, T.B.I., ADHD, Learning, Intelligence, Development, Executive Functioning, & Perceptions: Professional & Personal Reflections

Main Areas of Interest on Spectrum of

  • Executive Functions of the Human Brain - Do You Know What These Are and How They Interact with Intelligence, ADHD, Seizure Types, and Functioning?
  • Epilepsy and Seizures
  • Intelligence(s) - Various Definitions of I.Q., Traditional IQ Testing, and the Limitations of this Type of Testing
  • The ADHD Spectrum & Executive Functions
  • Acquired Brain Injuries
  • Different Learning Disabilities-Disorders and Ways of Learning
  • Learning - How All of These Topics Effect the Learning Process
  • Learning & Coping Strategies
  • Cognitive-Neuro Diversity - Each Person Has a Different Mind and Brain Structure. - This Is Important to Global Change and Development.

One must first understand what the executive functions of the brain are, how they differ from what we commonly think of as "intelligence", and how these skills interact with the learning process as we understand it today. This includes many other crucial ideas that affect each of these elements.

Once one has a good concept of these ideas, they can begin to understand how cognitive functions are affected in seizure disorders, within the ADHD spectrum (which includes all subtypes), acquired brain injury, and specific learning disabilities. These effects have a substantial impact on how those impacted by these disorders learn, their intelligence(s), and their outcomes on traditional I.Q. tests.
This is my collection of visually informative resources on the previous topics. Each topic has affected me personally, professionally, or I find it quite interesting. Anything I share here was beneficial to my continued understanding.

Thank You for Learning with Me!

Beth D. Johnson, MEd+ Head Writer, Researcher,

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